Evergreen State College Champions Ethical Investment and Student Activism

Evergreen State College Takes Bold Action on Social Responsibility

Odin Halvorson


“Monument to Rachel Corrie” by Mike Alewitz is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/?ref=openverse.

In 2003, a young woman named Rachel Corrie tried to stop a home from being destroyed. She put on a bright florescent vest, grabbed a hand-held megaphone, and stood in front of an armored bulldozer barreling down on the home of her…



Odin Halvorson

A futurist/socialist/fantasist writer, editor, and scholar. MFA/MLIS. Free access to my articles at OdinHalvorson.substack.com | More over at OdinHalvorson.com.