I love, love, love this response - it's a great article in its own right! It's always made me so happy to talk to film geeks for precisely this reason: we all have those little gems we can talk about, passionately, at length. And it's the best. :)
I didn't know that Tank Girl had undergone that much mistreatment by the execs (though I'm not at all surprised). One of my colleagues at the video store I used to work in was a huge fan of the film, and basically forced me to sit down and watch it then and there. Which was awesome: it became a running joke between us because we both tried to steal it for our personal Employee's Pick section.
It's such a shame to know that so much of that extended footage actually exists. I feel like this would be a key moment for a fan-edit. With AI upscailing, it should be possible to put something together, if any of the old footage could be found (and it seems like rough cuts of the original might exist in VHS format, somewhere?). It's a piece of film history that shouldn't be lost—that ending sounds so good.
Now I need to go and spend my afternoon rewatching this! :)