I'm fascinated by the work that's been done on Okuna over the last few years and I'm interested to see if, under Somus, the network wil get off the ground. It strikes me as an interesting change. I'd be interested in learning more about what went into the "stretegic" name change. What sort of impact did the new investors have in the name change, what was the round-table discussion behind it?
I'm also curious about whether or not the venture capital approach will cause problems for the roadmap to decentralized work, whether data privacy will remain a facet (and what protections will be implemented to ensure that there's no steady deminishment of Okuna/Somus's intrinisc commitment to privacy.
I'm also curious about what sort of interoperability will be built in, as that seems to be a major point for the modern consumer and internet user -- will there be planned integration with other social media network protocols to allow users of Okuna/Somus to operate from this platform while simulatneously remaining conntected to friends on Mastodon, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Diaspora*, etc?
I'm about 2500 down on the waitlist so I'm hoping to be able to check this out and review it more thoroughly soon!